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Lowwongan PT SMART tbk
Thursday, April 30, 2009

PT. SMART Tbk. is a large and established group and major world player in agro-related industries and consumer goods under the umbrella of SINAR MAS GROUP - one of well establish conglomerate in Indonesia.
PT. SMART Tbk. ia an integrated palm-based consumer company that have owns and manages plantations, mills and refineries which manufacturated branded and unbranded cooking oil, branded margarine, fats and shortening. SMART's products are divided into three catagories : Retail, Industrial and Bulk.
We have a large oil palm plantations at Sumatera, Kalimantan , Papua, and our refineries located in Surabaya (Kawasan Rungkut Industri) & Medan (Belawan).
Our retail products are designed for household consumption. Whereas Industrial products are aimed at supplying noodle factories, confection factories, bakeries, fast food chains, hotels, hospitals, restaurant, and so forth.
The latter catagory fetches the premium gross margin as customer requirements are tailor-made to specifications.
The branded products cater not only for local but also for international consumption. Finally, bulk products are unbranded and unpacked goods targeted for mass consumption.
Whilst for our upstream operation, we implement an on-going plantation expansion program and concurrently replanting the old or less productive trees. The integrated structure within the company has ensured good quality and steady supply of raw material - CPO for its products requirement at competitive cost.
The company has embarked into an extensive research and development program both at refineries and at plantation areas to optimize the plantation output in order to cope with the growing demand of our products.


Persyaratan Umum :

1. Pria / Wanita lajang, berusia maksimal 28 tahun.

2. Sarjana Teknik Industri,Teknik Mesin,Teknik Elektro, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Pangan & Gizi - dengan IPK min. 2,9

3. Bersedia penempatan di seluruh daerah operasional perusahaan (Indonesia)

4. Menguasai program komputer aplikasi min. Microsoft Office & Bahasa Inggris.

5. Siap bekerja awal Juli 2009

Segera kirimkan cv dan foto terbaru anda ke :

hrdref@smart- tbk.com

posted by chan@hsan @ Thursday, April 30, 2009  
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