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Lowongan MIgas Exxon Mobile
Saturday, May 9, 2009


Inspection Engineers


* Plan and carry out comprehensive inspections on fixed equipment/piping via on-stream risk-based monitoring programs and downtime inspection activities
* Advise the Lead Inspector and/or Inspection Manager as well as the business team/unit on the inspection program findings, recommend appropriate actions to resolve corrosion issues and ensure safe and reliable operation of the equipment
* Investigate equipment failure and recommend the most cost-effective method of repair and the appropriate selection of material for the affected equipment
* Execute quality assurance to project/construction and maintenance works to ensure compliance with the applicable industry standards
* Maintain effective working relationships and communication with the Business team to eliminate/minimize materials/corrosion issues
* Constantly keep abreast of the latest developments in inspection/materials and corrosion technology through inter-affiliate technology transfers, network communications and meetings
* Maintain an effective Inspection Data Management system and a filing system for the area under your purview, and conduct periodic reviews/updates
* Continuously update Piping and Fixed Equipment Strategy for each business team/unit as leading indicators to ensure the reliability of fixed equipment and piping
* Perform Level 1 Fitness for Service engineering assessment and analyses


* A good Degree in Mechanical/Materials Engineering from a recognized University
* Minimum 5 years' relevant working experience in the petrochemical, or a similar industry, is preferred
* Strong analytical skills and good knowledge of analytical tools
* A highly motivated team player with effective communication and interpersonal skills
* Willing to work in a refinery/petrochemical plant environment

Interested candidates are invited to apply online at www.exxonmobil.com.sg before 4 June 2009.

We regret that we will not be able to respond to all applications as only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


posted by chan@hsan @ Saturday, May 09, 2009  
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